
About Us

Dhyan Yoga Kendra Society

Dhyan Yoga Kendra Society is an established organization registered under the Indian Society Act, known for being the best yoga center in Jaipur. We provide a range of yoga practices, including Hatha Yog, Ashtanga Yog, Aerial Yog, Partners Yog, Therapeutic Yog, and many others, focusing on the five chakras of five elements.

Our three rules of success are simple yet essential :

1. Opt the Right Way.

2. Maintain Regularity, and

3. Be Punctual.

We have a team of experienced yoga instructors who conduct dynamic and enthusiastic classes that involve Meditation and Pranayama, along with shatkarm kriyayen for detoxifying the body. In addition, we regularly connect with nature by organizing TREKKING combining various groups. We aim to minimize medicines by promoting a stress-manageable life and encouraging our patrons to be happy with themselves. Our registration under Section 12A registration helps NGOs get their income exempt from tax under Section 80A of the Income Tax Act, thereby providing a platform for positive social impact.

Welcome to Dhyan Yoga Kendra

A quiet mind is the healthiest mind

The Dhyan Yoga Kendra is an ambient space, where we could spread the light of yoga.  The thought is to help individuals on a healthier and more peaceful path by teaching them a system of exercise that fully integrates the body, mind and soul. Dhyan Yoga Kendra into the world of yoga came at a time when our body suffered three lumbar slip discs and the practice of asana, pranayama and mediation lead to her body building strength and stamina and her mind gaining clarity.  At Dhyan Yoga Kendra , you can experience a deep, connected, healthy, and spiritual journey towards a better life. With a strong emphasis on practical training and individual attention, that has transformed the lives of hundreds of people.


Yoga is a mirror to look at ourselves from within. When you listen to yourself, everything comes naturally. It comes from inside, like a kind of will to do something. Try to be sensitive. That is yoga.

Yoga is not a work-out it is a work-in, and this is the point of spiritual practice to make us teachable to open up our hearts and focus our awareness so that we can know what we already know and be who we already are.

Subhav Sharma

Yoga Owner

Why Choose Us

You can always control what goes on inside

Everyone has a freedom of choice. Right or wrong…we make them, we live them, so own up to them… because you cannot blame everyone else for your choices the rest of your life.

Meet Our Trainer

Our Professional Yoga Trainer

Yoga is a way of moving into stillness in order to experience the truth of who you are.

Yoga is a light, which, once lit, will never dim

Megha Saini

Yoga Trainer

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